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OHIO TRAIN WRECK! Obama & Trump FAILED Infrastructure

1 year ago

BAD OLD Track Rails & Brakes Caused Ohio Train Wreck Hazardous BIG SPILL Contaminated! Obama Trump & Biden DO NOT Care about POOR White People. In 14yrs and 3 Administrations, nobody fixed the TRAIN TRACK RAILS.


  • 0/2000
  • What is this guy smoking Trump hasn’t been in office in a couple of years…….And Pot Hole Pete is in charge. So it’s all on this administration you goofy fool..

    1 like
  • What is this guy smoking Trump hasn’t been in office in a couple of years…….And Pot Hole Pete is in charge. So it’s all on this administration you goofy fool..

    1 like
  • What is this guy smoking Trump hasn’t been in office in a couple of years…….And Pot Hole Pete is in charge. So it’s all on this administration you goofy fool..

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