Ron Paul meets NYC Freedom Fighters at Rage Against the War Machine Rally in Washington, D.C.

2 years ago

Dr. Ron Paul meets New York City freedom fighters! So proud of my friends for representing our city at the Rage Against the War Machine rally in Washington, D.C. Wish I could've been there with you today! 👏🏾🗽🇺🇸

Footage from News2Share on YouTube.

#RonPaul #WashingtonDC #NYC #NewYorkCity #RageAgainsttheWarMachine #rally #protest #antiwar #war #endwar #endthewar #endthewars #politics #freedom #liberty #libertarian #NewYorkFreedomRally #nomandates #endthemandates #nomoremandates #economy#taxation #taxationistheft #EndtheFed

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