Book of Enoch, Noah’s Amazing Alien Birth. T-Enoch-titlan & the Land of Nod. Anunnaki Series S1E3

1 year ago

Book of Enoch, Noah’s Amazing Alien Birth. T-Enoch-titlan & the Land of Nod. Anunnaki Series S1E3
7th Planet Broadcasting presents: The Anunnaki Series S1E3 Birth of Noah and Tenochtitlan
Gerald Clark, Matthew LaCroix and Billy Carson
Nov 22, 2016
From the Book of Enoch, Noah’s amazing alien birth prompts father Lamech to seek counsel from his father Methuselah, and then his father Enoch whom we are told resides with the Gods.
Could the banishment of Qayin by Enlil-Yahweh lead to the land of Nod, east of Eden? Where was the city of Enoch, that Qayin (Biblical Cain) built for his son while "wandering" in exile? -
Join us as we survey the evidence from Sumer to the Mesoamerican lost realm of the winged serpent, where the ancient Aztec race abandons the great temple site of Teotihuacan for a new home. There, they were to find where the Eagle is clutching a serpent, poised on a cactus growing from a rock in a lagoon, today’s Mexico City.
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