Honest Brits said Huawei has no backdoor

1 year ago

Honest Brits tell the truth about Chinese firm Huawei 誠實的英國人說出關於中國公司華為的真相

A just-published headline in the UK Sunday Times associates Huawei with an admission by an ex-Huawei director that "everybody spies", thus implying that the Chinese telecom firm WAS spying. But the actual interview with Sir Ken Olisa says the opposite. His words are worth considering--and give us hope. 英國《星期日泰晤士報》剛剛發布的一則標題將華為與一位前華為董事承認“每個人都從事間諜活動”聯繫起來,從而暗示這家中國電信公司正在從事間諜活動。但對肯·奧利薩爵士的實際採訪卻恰恰相反。他的話值得考慮 - 給我們希望.

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