Patricia Hammett, We Pray For Your Soul.

1 year ago

I saw my neighbors this morning and said hello. The lady is rude and ignores me. Her husband said hello. Very sad! I've known this family since about 1975. This woman gets drunk and runs outside screaming at neighbors... "You are fat! You are ugly! Nobody likes you! Not even my children! You are mentally ill!" Sounds like projection to me. She does the same thing to my guests! I have heard about similar attacks from maybe 10 different house guests all who said they smelled alcohol on her breath from over the fence. In all, I have been verbally attacked 4 times by this woman. One day, in 2016, my 12 year old was home sick from school and witnessed this woman verbally assault me while I was alone in my front garden watering my flowers. It was so horrible that the neighbors called the police. The police came. But before the police came, my beautiful daughter went over to Pat Hammett's house and gave her a piece of her mind. Never in my life had anyone defended me. Now, that is love! The whole experience was horrible! Very very traumatic. My daughter and I will never get over that horrible crazy day with the neighbor next door. This woman has never shown any remorse for her actions. But what makes it worse, Pat sent her adult daughter over to attack us one night after we all went to sleep. Jennifer Hammett came to our home and violently pounded on my daughter's bedroom window. My daughter ran into my bedroom, crying, terrified. I did not call the police but I wish I had. Jennifer visits her parents often and is just as rude as her mother. I always try to do the right thing. I know God is watching me. Forgiveness is key. I am always friendly to those whose paths I cross. I know God wants us to love our neighbor. Oh! It is so difficult! I do my best. She has never communicated with me like an adult. I would like to know what I did so I can apologize and make amends. (It turns out I did apologize in an email I found which explains so much of what has been going on here since 2003.) The puppy barked, but how could someone be so cruel over that? If only I could forget all that has happened here at the Lavender Lady. Pray! 🙏

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