there are 10 interesting theories that explain deja vu

1 year ago

actually there are 10 Interesting Theories that Explain about Deja Vu

There are many interesting theories explaining the phenomenon of deja vu. But what exactly is deja vu? The term is of French origin and means "already seen". We usually recognize those experiences with an overwhelming sense of familiarity, when they shouldn't feel familiar at all. The sensations get stronger before they subside, and then disappear completely. All in seconds.

The interesting fact that deja vu occurs so randomly and quickly makes it difficult to study - why and how this strange phenomenon occurs has not been proven by science. The exact cause of deja vu remains one of the strangest mysteries, for now. But, we all know when we have them! Which implies that whole brain participation is not required to induce it.

Here are 10 of the most thought-provoking and interesting theories that explain deja vu. Including conspiracy theories of reincarnation into parallel universes and parallel lives, and everything in between.

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