The #RageAgainstWar Machine Protest that is happening today in Washington, D.C.

1 year ago

REDACTED NEWS - The #RageAgainstWar protest that is happening today in Washington, D.C.

This will not be covered by MSM.

On February 19 we are going to Washington DC to Rage Against the War Machine! We will rally at the Lincoln Memorial with vets, speakers, rock bands, and comedians then march to the White House to demand an end to the billions going to Ukraine!

Speakers across the political spectrum will be there - Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Paul, Jimmy Dore and more.

Credit to Redacted News, Clayton Morris, interviewing the organizer of the rally.

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Rage Against War Machine rally to stop the race to the nuclear brink:

-Not One More Penny for UKR War

-Negotiate Peace, Stop War Inflation

-Disband NATO, Global Nuclear De-Escalation

-Slash the Pentagon Budget,

-Free Assange & more

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