Some things Trump Will Need To Explain.

1 year ago

Some things Trump Will Need To Explain.

Trump says some very bold things that are going to be difficult to explain.
Love him or loathe him he will have to offer some transparency accompanied by a truck load of apologies. There will be a lot of sorry's according to this compilation but will there be too many for him to overcome. What would have happened if the US had decided he had beaten Biden and he resumed in office.

A video headed up with the logo Wildbeast101.


Originally, I starting uploading EDM music videos on youtube and producing music for various video channels, then things got serious. In these times I consider it a duty to humanity to distribute as much information as possible so as to allow the truth to be discovered about the cover up and lies by the mainstream media. This involves, Health, Big Pharma and their Jabs, 5G ROLL OUT. To Debunk Climate Change and the Reckless Solar GeoEngineering going on. A travesty being actively denied but supported by governments around the world. The Deliberate Spraying of aerosols 24/7 above our heads which affects the air we breath best explained here:- See Documentary "The Dimming".

Oh, and to expose any other things that might be tried that might take away our liberty and human rights given to us by god.

DuneDrifter, Topical Digest discovering the cover ups and lies you are being fed by mainstream media and Governments around the world.


(Article 1).
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
Articles 1 ---30

"It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled".

Donald Trump, Fake Statements Or Not, 47th President Or Not,

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