How to Make INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME for your Loved One Safe and Possible! Live stream!

1 year ago

How to make INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME for your loved one safe and possible! Live stream!

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Welcome to another Intensive Care At Home livestream today.

In today’s video, I want to talk about how to make Intensive Care At Home possible and safe for your loved one in intensive care, and obviously, the safety aspect is a big issue when it comes to Intensive Care At Home. I want to elaborate on that today in as much detail as possible. I want to talk about some case studies in how it’s possible. Before I go into today’s topic, how to make Intensive Care At Home possible and safe for your loved one, just a couple of housekeeping issues.

If you have questions to today’s topic, please type them into the chat pad. I will also give you the opportunity to dial into the show a little bit later after I’ve gone through today’s topic. Just want to quickly elaborate on a known case of what makes me qualified to talk about today’s topic. I am an intensive care nurse by background, have worked in intensive care for over 20 years in three different countries. I have also worked as a nurse unit manager for over five years in intensive care. I am the founder of Intensive Care at Home. We’ve been in business now for over 10 years. We’re looking after long-term intensive care patients at home, long-term intensive care patients with tracheostomy and ventilation. And we’ve been doing so successfully for over 10 years now.

I am also the founder of Intensive Care Hotline consulting and advocacy service for families in intensive care where we consult and advocate for families in intensive care all over the world. But without further ado, let’s focus on today’s topic – How to make Intensive Care at Home possible and safe for your loved one in intensive care? But also, if you are at home already, because quite frankly, it needs to be safe and there are patients at home already that are not safe and they’re looked after by families or they’re looked after by support workers or by general registered nurses and people have died because of that so the safety aspect is very important and cannot be neglected. What is safe when you take someone home from intensive care? And probably also, I should give you a very good case study about the safety aspect.

Our very first client when we first started out with Intensive Care at Home, was a client who was at home on a ventilator with a tracheostomy, C1 spinal injury client, young male at the time and he was looked after by a mixture of support workers, which is basically no health professions, people picked off the street with all due respect to the people, but people who had no formal education and they were looking basically after an intensive care patient at home and also some general registered nurses and he bounced back into ICU every second day because they simply did not have the know-how, how to keep him at home and that was our first client.

We were given the opportunity at the time to prove our concept and it only took us a couple of weeks to prove the concept because as soon as this client had intensive care nurses, he never went back to ICU ever again. We’ve proven the concept very, very quickly, but also with proving the concept what I didn’t mention initially about my experience is I worked with Intensive Care at Home 20 years ago in Germany where we were pioneering the concept then and when I came to Australia, it was crystal clear to me that there’s a need for this here as well and that we can do the same here.


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