God's Calendar Vs. Man's Calendar History, Days, Months And Years Explained

2 years ago

When does the day really begin, from a biblical perspective? Is it at midnight, at sunrise, or at sunset? And when exactly does the week begin? On Monday, Saturday, or Sunday? Finally, when does the month and the year really begin, from a biblical perspective?
There are so many calendars today. We have the Roman calendar, the Chinese calendar, the Islamic calendar, the Hebrew calendar, and many others. Since each one is different from all the others, there’s so much confusion about this topic. So, which among them is correct?

People have invented many calendars, but there is only one calendar of God. This is described in detail in the Bible. The sun, moon and stars were not only created to give us lights, but also to be able to determine the time correctly. Many think all this is complicated, but God's calendar is very simple to understand. In a few words before going into the details: Each month begins with the first visible crescent moon, the so-called "new light." Full moon is always in the middle of the month, half moon in between, because when there is no moonlight, the month ends. All logical. And after that, the 7 feast days of the year are clearly determined. God's calendar is sensational because it connects the heavenly bodies with nature, thus defining time. So this means that when we see the condition of the moon and nature (state of development of vegetation), we always know on which day of the year we are. The constellation of the stars gives us an additional piece of information and makes it even easier because it allows us to orientate ourselves not only in terms of time but also in terms of location (geographically). Isn't all this brilliant?

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