Donald Trump is Qanon

1 year ago

Video proof showing how Trump is trolling everyone as the entity Q.

In December of 2017, the person known as Q or Qanon purposely exposed his password on 8chan under the 'Q' Account. The password was 'Matlock'. After extensive research, it was discovered the Matlock password was a reference to the Christmas episode of Matlock's 4th season called 'The Scrooge" which was aired on December 19, 1989.

On the episode of Matlock you can clearly see the reference to Donald Trump's board game called "The Game." which was released in the '80s

This episode was aired exactly 28 years to the day after the Q password leak on 8chan thus proving that the person on 8chan posting as "Q' was likely Donald Trump and that Donald Trump is trolling the world as this Q entity

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