of course you'd choose the option w/ minimal effort

1 year ago

technology is the end of everybody
convenience is not worth it yawl
they appreciate it for 5min and then grow accustomed to it
stop expecting anything to work
multiple things can be true at the same time
smartphones were given to us so that we would self-destruct publicly
i can't mention this dude enough
every time i try to do what the sheep do, i feel like such an idiot
pretending to enjoy what the idiots enjoy
you have to be a full blown schizo (according to society) to see thru this horse puckey from all angles
every video is proof that i am the opposite of america
if you're aware, you're fine
cluster B personalities are dangerous due to the lack of self-awareness
sociopaths shouldn't be in cluster B
they are still victims but not in a way the media talks about
parallel parking is always worth it tho
run away from trauma, receive a life of drama
the phones have exacerbated every bad thing
hedonistic for the most part
the smartphone is a weapon
5 pros, 500 cons probably more
a lotta people are inventing trauma for the purpose of having an identity
this world, man...
insecurity is more palatable w/ a label
this whole country is a fake, shitass place
this is the end result of society only caring about surface level problems
they're only complaining cos they see it
i break my personal rules every once in awhile
going thru that drive thru was a decision i regretted immediately
no point in naming names, nothing changes
why would they do anything that matters when you can send a mean tweet
as if satan wasn't always coming for your children
the devil's advocate can explain how God works way better
this alternative is not easily accessible
your world is fake and you deserve to suffer for accepting it
bitching about people bitching
the solution is the Church and here i am still sitting in my car
we are the temple of the living God so technically we are the church!
they will never be willing to do the right thing
bitching about technology using an Iphone
why they won't perform my experiments hahaha
listen to ag, prosper in SPIRITUAL life
failing in the world, shadowbanned for a reason
go curl up with the antichrist

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