Palmetto State Armory 223 Wylde 18" Chronograph CFE 223 / VIHTAVUORI N133

1 year ago

Running my 18" 223 Wylde Rifle testing CFE 223 and Vihtavuori N133 with RMR Bullets 69 grain BTHP "Match" bullets with various loads - 24.5 grain CFE 223, 24.8 grain CFE 223, and 21.8 grain N133. Scope is a 1x8x24 Vortex Strike Eagle.

CFE 223 is a great powder, however, the N133 seems to be the best for accuracy in my limited testing. The RMR bullets are an EXCEPTIONAL value for the money IMO - they load well, run well, and I'm sure with some time, I can work up an incredible load to get out to 200+ yards with accuracy.

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