Andrew Tate Schools 10 Girls in Debate - Fresh & Fit After Hours show

1 year ago

FREE TOP G' SHIRTS + OTHER ANDREW TATE MERCH FOR 10% OFF AT: Get ready for an entertaining and thought-provoking podcast as Andrew Tate takes on 10 gorgeous girls in a lively debate, hosted by Fresh & Fit. From start to finish, this podcast is a non-stop rollercoaster of ideas and opinions, with Andrew Tate holding nothing back.

With his trademark wit and charm, Andrew Tate engages in a spirited debate with the 10 girls, discussing a range of hot-button topics and challenging their assumptions and beliefs. But this isn't just a one-sided affair, as the girls come ready to defend their positions and offer their own unique perspectives.

As the debate unfolds, something interesting happens. Andrew Tate's arguments start to resonate with the girls, and they begin to see things from his point of view. By the end of the podcast, most of the girls have been converted into agreeing with him, a testament to Andrew Tate's persuasive powers and the strength of his arguments.

This podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in lively debates, intellectual discourse, or just good entertainment. With a cast of engaging personalities and a host of intriguing topics, this is a podcast that is sure to leave you thinking and talking for days to come.

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