Nebelung Cats : Fun Facts & Myths

1 year ago

1. Nebelung Cat's History.

The Nebelung cat breed was developed by Cora Cobb of the Nebelheim Cattery. Cobb was inspired by a kitten named Siegfried, the only longhaired blue kitten in a litter fathered by a longhaired black cat and born to a black domestic shorthair named Elsa.

A second litter produced a female longhaired blue kitten whom Cobb named Brunhilde. Siegfried and Brunhilde became the foundation of a new breeding program and produced their first litter in 19 86.

Russian Blues who carried the gene for long hair were imported from eastern Europe in the late 19 80s and contributed to the development of the breed. The International Cat Association gave the cats New Breed status in 19 87 and full recognition in 19 97. Nebelungs can be outcrossed to Russian Blues.

2. Nebelung Cat's Size.

The Nebelung is a medium-sized cat with a long body.

They tend to weigh in at seven to 15 pounds with females generally being smaller than males. That said, some Nebelungs may fall outside of that range.

3. Nebelung Cat's Personality.

The Nebelung has a reputation as a gentle, quiet cat, somewhat shy, but don’t get the wrong idea. This cat may have a reserved nature, but they love to play, being especially fond of retrieving, and enjoy jumping or climbing to high places where they can study people and situations at their leisure before making up their mind about whether they want to get involved.

Guests will not receive this cat's immediate attention and may never see them unless they decide the humans are worthy of their notice, but toward family members, especially their favored person, the Nebelung is ever loyal, following them through the house and even riding on a shoulder.

The Nebelung is a sensitive cat who doesn’t like to be ignored and will be hurt if they don’t receive the same amount of affection they give. Lack of attention can cause them to become anxious or fearful.

While the Nebelung loves your company, they're capable of entertaining themselves during the day while you are at work. Unlike some active, intelligent breeds, they're not destructive but move through the house with the lithe grace of a Russian ballerina.

When you are at home, their subtle sense of humor and manual dexterity will never fail to entertain. Just make sure you laugh with them, not at them. They have a strong sense of self-worth and don’t like being made fun of.

This is a cat who does best in a quiet, stable environment. They don’t like change, and it’s especially important to them that meals arrive on time. Count on them to be a faithful alarm clock in the morning, not so you don’t miss work, but so they don’t miss a meal.

If you take the time to develop a relationship with a Nebelung, your reward will be a deep bond with this loving cat.

4. Nebelung Cat's Health.

Both pedigreed cats and mixed-breed cats have varying incidences of health problems that may be genetic in nature. The Nebelung is generally healthy, however.

An owner’s main concern will probably be this cat's hearty appetite, which can turn them from sleek to stout in no time.

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