Vaxx injured Rep. Nancy Mace is livid at "fascist Twitter 1.0" exec for censoring legitimate info

1 year ago

In a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing of (former) Twitter executives held on February 8th, 2023, Representative Nancy Mace is livid, and rightfully so, at the rampant censorship that Twitter and other Big Tech media companies employed.

Mace was injured by the second dose of the COVID jab. Her injuries include asthma, tremors in her left hand, heart pain. No doctor can explain, let alone cure, her injuries despite a battery of tests.

She says, "I have great regrets about getting the shot, because of the health issues that I now have that I don't think are ever going to go away and I know that I am not the only American who has those concerns."

Highly educated scientists like Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya may have been pleading for restraint with the COVID jabs: the jabs might offer an unattractive risk-benefit for the low risk group (young, lean, healthy people) and those who have acquired natural immunity. However, their posts were censored because they were Thought Crimes.

At Mace's question, "Why do you think that you or anyone else at Twitter had the right to censor a doctor's expert opinion?", former Twitter exec Vijaja Gadde answers, "Our policies regarding COVID were designed to protect individuals".

It's abundantly clear that the policies did anything but protect individuals. For example they censored...

- the possibility of airborne spread and the importance of optimal humidity
- known and potential adverse vaxx side-effects and harms of toxic drugs like remdesivir
- criticism of the measures of mass destruction because the harms they caused far exceeded any medical benefits they might have had
- information about the medical inefficacy and harmfulness of face masks, thereby giving people a false sense of security and exposing them to harm
- information on prevention of disease with a healthy diet and lifestyle and adequate vitamin D
- information on the necessity for early treatment of disease with intensive combination therapy composed of cheap, perfectly safe, available, highly effective supplements and medications

Had this information not been censored, people might have used it to protect themselves. Withholding information that protects people, harms them and puts them at risk.

Even the CDC's own data was labeled as misleading when said information was inconvenient to the narrative.

Ms. Gadde is forced to admit that the U.S. government and governments all around the world 'legally' demanded specific content be removed from the platform, in violation of the First Amendment. Twitter complied. The so-called Twitter Files show that Twitter and the FBI have been in collusion.

In the second half of this video, Representative Lauren Boebert destroys Twitter for what is basically election interference.


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