[Restoring the Land] Towards Sustainable Managed Grazing

1 year ago

The biggest hurdle any cattle-farmer faces is getting and keeping sustainable. Which means those cattle on your cow-calf operation are more than just paying their costs every year.
I'm not talking about any feeder-beef operation. The most profitable type of cattle farming, with least inputs, is the grass-based cow-calf operation. This is where a bull and a few cows keep dropping calves every year without any problems. No vet visits. They live on nothing but grassy pastures with water nearby – and shelter for the worst weather. Keeping them another year to put on more weight may or may not give you higher reciepts at the auction. You certainly won't get a higher price per pound. Let others work that angle. Focus on doing your best at bringing new calves along every year...
Visit: https://livingsensical.gumroad.com/l/RationalGrazingLibrary

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