Bearded dragons Hypo,trans Het zero to hypo citrus leatherback male eggs and home made Incubator

2 years ago

This pairing should produce a 50% hypo trans in 50% hypo meaningless melanin so that your hypos are brighter and more vibrant being that she has had zero and looks to me as she could also be hit with it showing actual visual of her hands gives me to believe that but no one ever knows unless it’s proven now so I can’t call that for 100% but I do believe that she’s definitely for sure has zero beiing that the breeder told me that it came from a leatherback citrus pairing in a zero hypo n trans Could be a possibility but since pet mart uses hypos to hypos hypo Pairing I don’t think that there is a chance of trans so I’m guessing that the zero I’m guessing that the zero was a hypo and father hypotrans or het hypo het reran or even trans to het hypo But it’s grandfather lineage does show that is for sure going to produce hit zeros pos at 66% but the chances and odds come depending on luck Pause 66% is just something that breeders use to identify the fact that there is a chance that you will not get a full het zero being that she is already a het her self All hit zero means is that there is a cup production if pairing to a normal but the odds of you put in a zero someone lucky will still have one and being that the odds are cut again at the next het zero to normal pairing normal then it is cut to 50% 66% pos is still a large percentage There will be a production of 50% Leather backs and 50% normals if I was to push the odds of how many hits I get by visually guessing the odds might be a little better but it is said that he is non-visual but I believe that if you look close enough it is in Can be visual at times I’m sure some breeder would agree and some would argue the fact Watch the process as next year we have zeros coming and we should be able to connect our head zero hold bags to produce more white liner the female in this video has a very strong white line and I believe that her babies are going to be looking just like her can’t wait to see the results wish me luck This pairing was chosen through the fact that the leatherback has zero was getting older and ready to breed I was not sure of the time so I bread her hoping in chance of getting the hang of having and taking care of hatchelings as of now we carry 15 eggs and I’m hoping that she give me another clutch soon most likely she will because she has been a big beardie and I might be able to do a dunner and our het zero dunner’s will be Dunner’s themselves and the dunner father line of the grandparent is very super red and should create very red Dunners in between the genetics that holds inside my fire red female should Manifest the wib it will make for wero I will get wero dunners n different colors most red dunner’s being grandparents linage But still with chance even without I’m going to be happy with red dunners being that my female very super red morph be able to pull red dunner with a vibrant hypo color  and hypotrans I do have a quad het for the dunner also that’s where I got known if that not just your average 0 but Dunner zeros they will be hypo also hypotrans if it prove out for trans would make tran dunner het for hypos I laugh at the pity why not just say there might be a chance and there might not money money money money money het to het to het as It’s known that they prefer not to put pure line white projects to stay be het to het instead for the genetically lineage to be stronger and strengthen I am looking to plan to find another quad or triple or triple het for the quad after the dunner has layed zero produced as the future projects to keep the project moving and also producing more Morphs but focusing on white line

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