QSI Weekly Wednesday Panel Call - GESARA (February 15, 2023)

1 year ago

Weekly Wednesday Calls @ 8am CST / 2pm UTC / 1am Melbourne
Livestream link: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative?livestream

Today's call discusses the following topics:

- What are everyone’s thoughts on Robert Kiyosaki’s failed stock market collapse prediction yesterday ?
- Why did Charlie warn everyone about Banks taking people's money and are the Banks controlled by the White Hats yes or no?
- Will people who have recently purchased homes have their mortgages / debts just cleared away and will have no debts due to GESARA? Or it doesn’t work that way?
- Is the UK secretly already in BRICS?
- Which US states have applied for BRICS?

- Does the market need to crash before the RV?
- Revalue currency, precious metals timeliness, ubi — which is first what order... (metals first, then currencies+digital, can also have Baby ubi)
- If you have no debt how will they determine your UBI? Does everyone in the world get the same UBI, or are there differences in amount?
- What bank card will we use for the UBI?

- When will medbeds be available?
- Do we know which will be the 7 kingdoms and which countries belong to which kingdom?
- Is Charlie in Africa at the moment? When is he scheduled to go?

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRdfWZF1oyvQorJetVck0IQjQykAC1-RE7AZu3dP2QBboi0OeiR7H9PwwYQBxCLfg/pub

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