This is Why Giants, the Watchers & More were Removed from the Bible. History of the Lost Books

2 years ago

This is Why Giants, the Watchers & More were Removed from the Bible. History of the Lost Books
Premiered 21 hours ago 2-16-2023
The Old Testament was NOT Created Until 90 Years After Jesus.
The New Testament was Not Completed Until About 300 Years After Jesus.
The Father of Noah accused his own wife of having SEX with a NEPHILIM, because the New Born Noah was of gigantic size and he GLOWED.
If Jahova Destroyed the World by Flood to Cleans the Earth of Hellspawn Nephilim, and Noah himself was also of that Blood, how does that reconcile with the Biblical Narrative?
Not only that, but the second? wife of Noah was of Nephilim Blood as well.
So if we are all Descendants of Noah, and he had Watcher/Nephilim Blood, so would all of Humanity.
@zoharstargateancientdiscoverie Courtesy of @EarthAncientsOfficial -
Why isn’t the Book of Enoch in the Holy Bible, even though Enoch is referenced multiple times?
Why were texts considered sacred by many, excluded by others?
Who made the decisions and why?
There are more than 50 books - some of which exist only in fragments while others are complete and whole―that are not included in the biblical canon.
Why were they discarded? Most Protestant denominations settled on 66 canonical books of the Bible, while there are 73 for Roman Catholics and 78 for Eastern Orthodox adherents.
Why are there these differences of opinion?
We are often taught that the Bible is, in the words of many religious catechisms, “the infallible word of faith and practice.”
In reality, the Bible can also be seen as a political document as much as a spiritual one.
Ordained minister and theologian Jim Willis examines the historical, political, and social climates that influenced the redactors and editors of the Bible and other sacred texts in Censoring God: The History of the Lost Books (and other Excluded Scriptures).
In analyzing why texts were censored, he uncovers sometimes surprising biases. He investigates enigmatic hints of Bible codes and ancient wisdom that implies a greater spiritual force might have been at work. Willis explores the importance of the Book of Enoch, its disappearance, and how it was rediscovered in Ethiopia. He analyzes over two dozen excluded texts, such as Jubilees and the Gospel of Thomas, along with the many references to books that we know about from fragments but remain lost.
Thought-provoking and provocative, Censoring God scrutinizes how sacred texts might have been used to justify the power of the powerful, including the destruction of sacred writings of conquered indigenous cultures because they did not agree with the finished version of the Bible accepted by the Church establishment.
This important book looks at the human failings in interpreting God’s words, and through a compassionate examination it brings a deeper understanding of the power and importance of the lost words. With more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography provides sources for further exploration, and an extensive index adds to its usefulness.
Jim Willis earned his master’s degree in theology from Andover Newton Theological School, and he has been an ordained minister for over forty years. He has also taught college courses in comparative religion and cross-cultural studies.
His background in theology and education led to his writing more than a dozen books on religion, the apocalypse, cross-cultural spirituality, and the mysteries of the unknown. His books include Visible Ink Press’ Ancient Gods: Lost Histories, Hidden Truths, and the Conspiracy of Silence; Supernatural Gods: Spiritual Mysteries, Psychic Experiences, and Scientific Truths; The Religion Book; Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization; and Lost Civilizations: The Secret Histories and Suppressed Technologies of the Ancients. Willis resides in the woods of South Carolina with his wife, Barbara.
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