CSIS Confirms CHINA Election Interference

1 year ago

CSIS documents reveal a Chinese strategy to influence Canada's 2021 election. PM Trudeau has feverishly maintained that although he is aware of foreign interference quote "analysis shows it didnt have a significant impact on any of the ridings.

The Globe and Mail has viewed documents covering the period before and after September 2021, the election which saw PM Trudeau re-elected.

There were two main goals according to the report: return of a Liberal minority government, and certain Conservative candidates defeated.

The report says the Chinese Communist Party leadership in Beijing was “pressuring its consulates to create strategies to leverage politically [active] Chinese community members and associations within Canadian society.”

From the same article quote "China employed disinformation campaigns and proxies connected to Chinese-Canadian organizations in Vancouver and the GTA, which have large mainland Chinese immigrant communities, to voice opposition to the Conservatives and favour the Trudeau Liberals."

The mainstream legacy media and the woke brigade is sure to claim racism and prejudice, but my personal opinion is that this rot must be expunged from the body politic. We need dispassionate and rational investigators to discover facts around any interference, without unduly painting all Chinese origin citizens as traitors.

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