A statement about state and PET interference and sabotage.

1 year ago

Stephen Bell 17 February 2023 statement, specifically about the PSYOP from 14 February in which the Danish state and intelligence agency PET conducted a campaign against the public, proclaiming that I was going to be some kind of threat to people, without there being any merits whatsoever to their claims, in fact I didn’t even know about it, until that Tuesday around 9:30 PM

Furthermore, many of the aspects of the targeted individual program, is now gradually being rolled out to be used against the public at large, or individuals who the state and intelligence agencies consider a problem, these people who they consider problems can be anybody, the mere fact that you don’t believe in their propaganda and PSYOPS which is so outrageously false and fabricated, could make your target of this program and the new technocratic authoritarianism rule, that is replacing our previous so-called democracies.

There are many examples of how people are being subjected to electronic harassment specifically of a sexual nature, for just being in my vicinity, with the intent to blame me for these synthetic telepathy communications, that are being broadcasted by through yes you guessed it the state and intelligence agency, who are likewise using the same communication system to conduct and coerce people to participate in the social and political persecution of me Stephen Bell so the contradictions are immense but they have hubris like no other, so they don’t generally care about how obvious that active measures are and psychological warfare ops are becoming to everybody.

They are aiming to have me hurt, set up to be institutionalized and/or imprisoned it has never been any more obvious than it is here in mid-February 2023, and I expect this is only going to get worse as time progresses as I have said from the very beginning of this saga.

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