MYOCARDITIS STATS: The Heart Does NOT Regenerate Once Damaged..

1 year ago

MYOCARDITIS STATS: The Heart Does NOT Regenerate Once Damaged. The increased chances of myocarditis are 75% after the Pfizer shot and 557% increase after the moderna injection. Hundreds of 12-17 year olds have reported myocarditis after the Covid shots. VAERS reports nearly 26,000 cases of this heart condition... LIFE EXPECTANCY IS 4.3 YEARS FOR 50% OF PATIENTS. 1/2700 BOYS WILL BE AFFECTED FROM MYOCARDITIS AFTER THE PFIZER SHOT. STUDY SHOWS 815X RISK OF MYOCARDITIS AFTER MRNA INJECTIONS. FOR 1 CHILD TO BE SAVED FROM ICU 7.6 MILLION CHILD DOSES NEED TO BE ADMINISTERED. MYOCARDITIS IS NOT MILD, ITS PERMANENT.

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