#60: FREEDOM – Why a peaceful revolution is needed

1 year ago

On planet Earth, there has always been a smaller group of people setting the agenda for a bigger group of people. For thousands of years this worked really well. Information was controlled by an elite and few complained about that. But now things have changed. People are waking up and have stopped to believe blindly in what they are told, which means that people that want to maintain power have been forced to step up. Consequently, new legislations to enable people in power to control information and thereby people are put into place. Because of this we need a peaceful revolution, which in essence means that people must start to live from their hearts instead of their minds. While the mind is easy to manipulate, the heart is not. The path to reclaim your power is to access your own heart. Please have a look at the video linked to below for a detailed explanation of what the heart truly is.
Link to the most important video on this channel and which I recommend everyone to take the time to watch:

About this channel
Welcome to this channel dedicated to healing. Almost every day, except Sundays, I share a message which I feel is important right now for our individual and collective healing. By absorbing this message into your heart, you join a pool of healing energy where we all support each other. Your energetic strengths will benefit others, and others’ strengths will benefit you. By giving from your own heart to others, you will receive tenfold back. You don’t have to do anything else than to tap in here as often as you like, why not daily?

About me
Just like you, I’m in the process of waking up to my true essence. I’ve done a lot of work to release energy in my system that no longer serves me, but there is of course more work to do. I am, just like you, in the process of healing the wounded aspects of myself, which is absolutely critical for us to be able to create the life and the world that we dream of. I have liberated myself a lot from the conditioning that being born on Earth gave me. I no longer believe that I’m here to please others in a desperate attempt to receive love. I have realized that I am love. It doesn’t mean I’m perfect, far from. But it means that I have come far enough to realize that we are in this together. The more I can feel, the more I realize how closely we are tied together. We are actually one being, expressing ourself in many forms. However, we have been living in an illusion of separation for a long time on this planet, because that’s the experience that the energies have supported. It has been a challenging time, but now everything has changed. The energies are supporting us to rise up. But first we must heal. What I’m doing here is that I offer to hold space for us to heal collectively. I’m creating a space which people can tune in to, unconsciously or consciously, it doesn’t really matter in this case. And it happens automatically just by listening to the videos I share, especially if you can listen with an open heart.

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