VT to become a sanctuary state for CHILD SEX CHANGES

2 years ago

VERMONTERS.. New York, New Hampshire, New England and the entire Country - LISTEN UP.

VT to become a sanctuary state for CHILD SEX CHANGES.. paid for with YOUR tax dollars. Out of state? Not a problem.. we will pay for your child's mutilation also! Opposing parents need not fight, the one in favor of CUTTING YOUR CHILD APART can come to VT. Kids who don't want to ask or who's parents don't agree.. just run away to VERMONT- the state will take custody, perform the operation and they will not return you to your home state or your parents.. Vermont tax payers got you!

THIS PASSED OUR VERMONT HOUSE 130-13 with 5 absent. 24 out of 38 Republicans voted for this and EVERY DEMOCRAT in our state! Maybe YOU should contact them if you are concerned. I have included "the list" of YOUR REPRESENTATIVES in the comments.
Office of the Vermont Kevinor
Please help me keep fighting for YOU! https://www.givesendgo.com/wenotme

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