Lefty Protestant "Pastor" Caught with Pride Flag? (wait for end)

1 year ago

Why was this protestant pastor waving the transgender pride flag?

When the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) of Hanover, Pennsylvania, hosted a pro-homosexual Drag Queen Story Hour for children as young as four, something had to be done against the corruption of minors.

To defend the innocence of our children, two local Rosary Rally captains for America Needs Fatima quickly organized two peaceful protests, which TFP Student Action volunteers were happy to join. In all, about 45 concerned Catholics prayerfully took a stand against the perversion that is Drag Queen Story Hour.

Several protestant pastors wearing clerical collars joined the LGBT group that hosted the immoral Drag Queen Story Hour for children. Meanwhile, TFP volunteers prayed and said, “If you love God, follow His commandments.” This video includes a short segment of one of the exchanges with the “pastor” (more like a wolf) about pride.

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