Balloons, Digital Currency, and The Justin Transition

1 year ago

Yes, balloons of unknown origin are being shot from the skies as the Justin Transition rolls merrily along. What is the Justin Transition? Basically, it’s a plan to make rich people fabulously rich and poor people dirt poor. How are they doing this? By allowing the Central Banking systems to crash the economy, get rid of cash, cause a depression so severe nobody can eat but the financial elites and sign up all of the hungry and destitute citizens to the digital currency plan brought to you by the likes of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, King Charles, Klaus Schwab, George Soros and central bankers who are so incestuously linked from intermarriages they think with one mind. How to squeeze the last penny out of a struggling citizenry.

The selling of the Global Digital Currency is truly wonderful to see. It’s snake oil salesmanship at it’s finest. Sign right here, on the dotted line and your worries are over.

There’s just one hitch. Because when you sign on that dotted line you are giving over your right as a human being to the beauties and bounties of this earth and to exercise your right as a citizen of your country to take part in the hard work of the countries needs, and to love your country and not give it away like the charlatans now governing Canada, the US and Mexico are doing. Which leads us back to the The Declaration of North America that was signed on Jan.10, 2023 between Canada, Mexico and the US.

Under this declaration Trudeau, Biden and Obrandor consider the combined spaces of their countries as one combined space and name their particular interests they will be working on as one space. The one interest that really caught my eye was this one... “We also are taking a constant approach to the collection, use, processing, retention, and protection of Passenger Name Record(PNR) data to strengthen our shared security perimeter and the safety of our citizens, including advocating for the global adoption of standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization on PNR data.” This is part of the Justine Transition. More next time. Feb. 17, 2023

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