Church of the OG--The Gospel According to Tore (Original Message of the Golden Scrolls)

1 year ago

She actually went to Kennedy to tell him about Jackie. That’s why they were together and this is where their tiff started, ‘cause Marilyn Monroe was actually tapped by, what do they call them? Aliens, time-travelers or foreign assets because that’s what the CIA calls them. Right?

The crazies, you know, so she came in and they took her out. Elvis was also in the know, as well, and they took him out. So when it’s a drug overdose, they take you out to make you look like a junkie and you’re crazy. And usually the people that you handle, you turn into drug addicts. And if they can’t be turned into drug addicts, then you just pose them as that. You know, these are the things that make you go hmmm…

See if you watched this video ten years ago you’d be like, “Ahhhhh that’s so tragic. Money doesn’t make you happy and you end there and that’s why you’re in a perpetual state of need and lack. Because the universe is telling you, “Oh my God, if you have money, it’s tragic.”

It’s really not. If you have money, right, and everybody else doesn’t, you have power. And with power comes obedience. And you must be obedient! You’re not about to break the mold and not be obedient. You must obey.

That is one of the biggest lies ever. Money doesn’t make you happy per se, depending on what makes you happy, but it’s a lot easier to cry in a Lamborghini than it is on roller skates. Let’s be factual. So, the fact of the matter is, they have told you ohhh, ohhh money makes the, it’s the source of all evil. It totally is ‘cause that’s how we keep you into those invisible chains. So that’s the truth.

Now, speaking of truth. So weird. Third time’s the charm, like I said. Guess what the final vote was this time. Oh look! Nineteen votes for Jim Jordan, 212 for Jeffries, and McCarthy picked an extra one, at 203. Oh, let’s go! Round three.

You know I really wish we’d rip off the band-aid… And just be clear… Pisses me off! Pisses me off, mass, mass, the source of everything. Numbers tell you everything.

Ohhhh, he was kidnapped. They wanted 17 million. Couldn’t be 15, or rounded off to 20. Specific 17, which is, “Hey, the good guys, time-travelers, aliens they’ve got him and they’re like, “NO bend the knee.” But he didn’t bend the knee. “I don’t give a shit.” And so they put it on to the media, the one that they didn’t control, so he had to do something.

You see. This is what you’ve got to pay attention to. Numbers! How do you know you’re sick? Numbers. They measure numbers—concentration numbers. Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers! Source of everything. Numbers, numbers, numbers.

Now, I’ll bid you goodbye. Tomorrow, no show. I’ve got mom things to do. School conference, whatever. Actually even got a notifi’…actually no. I’m not going to say that out loud.

(Long sigh). I’ve got a lot to do and so, and I also have to prepare… I’m figuring out how I’m going to do this studio. Trying to figure out, um, stealthy ways of getting… YOU GUYS WANT CAMERAS, RIGHT? Right? You want cameras?

I’m actually thinking of even trolling, uh, you know, whatchamacallit only fans and putting a camera under the desk so people can look at our shoes. Probably is going to be me with slippers. So why not?

Let’s make money off of feet. Right? I think that’ll be a hoot. They’ll be like, “Oh my God, she’s doing a show, live, with cameras, everywhere. Right? But she’s also streaming on “Only Fans”—just her feet. Like, why not? (Laughing) Troll the shit out of them! You wanna pay for feet, you can look at the shoes—that I wear.

Or maybe when I get a manicure, I’ll pose my toes for high ratings (Laughing). Ahhhh, so uh, I’m working on that. I just wanted to tell you guys a little housekeeping. I am working on that. Ummm, I am in the middle of transforming… I haven’t even started yet. Let’s not lie. Of transforming, one of the rooms, ummm, in the apartment, a bedroom is now going to become a full blown studio.

And so… You know… I thought, it’s got, you have to have cameras everywhere. There’s going to be one, aerial from the ceiling. Like I’m already plotting it out, because this is going to be one of the… No, I’m going to leave it. Let’s just say, this time flip the script. We’re writing history now.

So ummm. Yeah and I am going to put a foot cam. There will be a foot cam, just on “Only Fans”. And, you know I’m usually in slippers anyway. I hardly go commando. I have this thing about…

Maybe it’s ‘cause, you know people say like, “Oh, your Zodiac Sign is Pisces”. That’s a… Actually I’m the 13th one, specifically, with my birthdate. But let’s pretend that the going theme of the 12 is correct. Yes I am and we have sensitive feet.

I, uhhh, you know. Have I ever told you guys about the time that I had this New York Mobster’s son… Legit! Hit on me at, uhhh, where was I? I was at, ummm, I was by Columbus Circle at the market. And I was getting something to drink. And I stepped outside to have a cigarette and I was wearing these platform sandals that I had gotten from Top Shop in…in England. And they were platform. They were so cute. They were the most comfortable shoes and I only paid, like, 10 pounds for them. Uhhh, most comfortable shoes ever.

And umm, he looked at me and you know, I was just normal. I was… Who was aagh aagh, I was wearing the shoes. I was wearing a skort, right, which is like a skirt with shorts under it. It was homemade. I was actually wearing volleyball shorts and a mini-skirt…and a sweater. So I looked like a college kid, ‘cause I was attending school, for my licensing. Right?

And, umm, he checked it out and I was like you know, I looked like a mess. Like, why would anyone? But he was like looking at my feet. I didn’t recognize that until we went out to eat and I wore close-toe shoes. Ummm, our first date and he’s like, “Oh, you changed your shoes.” And I’m like, what the… Ummm, this is weird. But I was like, maybe he’s just observant or maybe he’s gay—you know, checking out my feet.

Then I find out, he’s like, linked to the, you know, Lucky Luciano, one of the kids, and I was like, ohhhh, so he’s trying to impress me. This is great. This was great training for me. Righhhhttt? So I’ll just see how this goes.

Anyway, and, ummm, two days later he took me out to a Trattoria. And ummm, I was wearing my sandals, because I was wearing a cute dress. Right? It was one of those eyelet dresses. You know, white ones?

And you know and I, you know… You sit at a table. You cross your legs and my dress was up to my knee. It was modest. It wasn’t a mini-skirt. Right? And there I am smiling and I’m like, “Hey!” And I, for me it’s just about dinner and I’m like, “Oh I wanna know more about this dude.”

And ummm… He kept looking at my feet. And I’m like, “Is there something wrong?” He’s like, “I really like what I’m looking at and I was like, ummm, “Oh shit! Did I not shave correctly? Do I have strawberry legs?” Like, “What’s going on here?” You know?

And, you know, how us women start to get self-conscious. And then I uncrossed my legs and kind of tucked my… And he’s like, “No, no, no, no! Keep ‘em in view!” And I was like, “Why?” (Whispering) “I love your feet.” And I was like, “What the!!!!”

Yeah, sooooooo, that was weird. That was (baby talk) super weird. And I was like, “Yeah!” So that was really weird. And… I… noted, it’s weird. Left it, as weird, until it got realllly weird, which I don’t want to say on air (laughing). And I was like, “Yeah, so it’s not happening.” That’s super weird. “I’m busting out.”

You know. I just never called him again. Ummm, and I asked the… my… private contracting company to ensure that that phone could not get through. Ummm, because we had those abilities of blocking people from calling us back in the early 2000’s. Just YOU didn’t have it.

Ummm, allright, so let’s end today with scariest things caught live on camera, on live TV. Sorry, but here’s the thing. I want you guys to… Here’s like a little task of using scrutiny. For those that are watching… Ummmmm, I’ll leave that. For those that are watching… Those of you that are listening, you’re only going to listen, but you might actually figure it out, while you are listening to…

Why is everybody calling me now? It’s like, I finally get my phone back, ‘cause I left it in the car and it was lost. And it’s like, all the phone calls are coming in and I’ve got a shit-ton to do.

Is it really five o’clock? No it’s not. It’s three. Why does my watch say it’s five? P.m… That’s really weird. Says it’s five-fifty-nine. That’s so weird. Umm, five-oh-nine. Okay… That’s not even remotely… What the heck?

Allright! So, we’re going to continue. Ummm, with this. And I’d like you to just take a look at this video, rather than an at-throw (?) of music, we’re going to have an at-throw (?) of video and there’s one thing I’d like you to catch on to this. Hopefully you can get that discernment. So, let’s get cranking with those curious things caught on live TV.

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