Vlad and Nikita Morning Routine with Sleepy Mom

1 year ago

Vlad and Nikita knew that it was important to have a good morning routine to start their day on the right foot. However, sometimes their mom would be feeling extra sleepy and not up for the usual morning routine. But Vlad and Nikita were always eager to help their mom and make things easier for her.

One morning, when their mom was feeling extra sleepy, Vlad and Nikita knew just what to do. They quietly got out of bed, got dressed, and started making breakfast. They knew their mom needed a good breakfast to start her day, so they made her favorite breakfast, pancakes, and eggs.

After breakfast, they helped their mom get ready by finding her clothes and helping her brush her hair. Nikita even offered to make his mom's coffee, just the way she likes it.

As they got ready for the day, Vlad and Nikita were mindful of their mom's need for rest, so they kept their voices down and tried to be as quiet as possible. They even made their own beds without being asked.

Once everyone was ready, they all headed out the door. Vlad and Nikita carried their mom's bag and helped her get into the car. They knew that their mom was still feeling sleepy, so they tried to make her laugh and keep her spirits up.

When they got to school, Vlad and Nikita gave their mom a big hug and a kiss and said goodbye. They knew that their mom would be feeling better soon and that they had done their part to help her have a good day.

As they headed into school, Vlad and Nikita felt proud of themselves for helping their mom and having a positive start to their day. They knew that taking care of their family was important and made them feel good inside.

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