2 Guys Drinking Coffee Episode 93

1 year ago


Is this concept just a pipe dream? After seeing what happened in the 2020 election and then again in the 2022 mid-terms, is there any possibility of a free and fair election ever again? The computerized voting machines that we know for a fact can be hacked started this problem and the introduction of unrestricted, unchecked and unverified mail-in balloting finished the process of corrupting our elections from here on out.

Now, if you think we are just tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists (Jim M does have the hat), we have as this week’s guests Randy Barber and two friends, Kim and Lindsey, from Audit the Vote NY. They are part of a group of patriots that have been canvasing counties across the state and have found rampant fraud in the way of “cloned” voters.

They will explain what this means and what they are attempting to do about it. Who in the state they have talked to about this, what has been the reaction, and where to they go from here.

In PA we have a similar group, but I don’t know what if anything they have done so far. I am hoping that by having them share this information, we can urge other people in other states to organize as well. This is so critically important to the future of our country that I am asking every one of our podcast followers to share the link to this podcast with people all over the country. We need to blanket all 50 states and our territories with this information. So please, share, share, share!

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