Church of the OG--The Gospel According to Tore (Book of Paranoia)

1 year ago

This morning's reading comes from the Gospel According to Tore, Book of Paranoia, Chapter 12/27/22.
From the Book of Paranoia

But in your own groups, there’s a lot of people that are like, “Oh my God, we are being infiltrated”. You have been infiltrated for a very long time. You’ve got journalists that are looking for news. You’ve got people that are looking to Ponce your information, or whatever you’re doing, and sell it to someone and say that it’s their idea. Right? You’ve got people in there that want to sabotage, or they’re looking for someone that they can task. Right? To do things. Like, for example, when I saw people wanting to get arrested and posture and videotape and put that out, I was like, “Yeah, that’s that”.


The information given to us by THE OG is enough. We cannot know more for fear of those that would take from us that which we never knew and things that we have never done.

Is SHE right? I say, is SHE right? Yeah, SHE’S right and, “Yeah, that’s that!” Say HER name!

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