Church of the OG--The Gospel According to Tore (Book of Mendacious)

2 years ago

Our lesson this morning comes from the book of Mendacious Chapter 12/27/22.

From the Book of Mendacious

That's the way it would be. That's usually how it is. And another thing, I just want you guys to know. I know a lot of you are complaining that in your groups, “Oh people are banned. People are silenced”. Look, in my main chat we just put the filter ‘cause everyone is trying to sell gold or tell you that Queen Elizabeth has her own channel and shit. And so, we use the bot when people aren’t deleting them manually that are admins. Right?


Here THE OG explains why people being silenced and banned is righteous and good. SHE has her reasons. It was gold sellers and Anglophile Royal-watchers that brought the plague of censorship and social media death upon us.

For we have sinned against HER to hold and speak our own thoughts and beliefs. The Bots did it and the remainder of HER flock judged it to be just and good. Friends, THE OG is an all knowing ENTITY, whose reasons and motivations must never be questioned.

Say her name ye sheep, ye creatures of habit! Praise her name! There is but one OG. We silence and flagellate ourselves to HER glory.

Congregation in Unison:

And all the people said: RIGHT!
And all the people said: RIGHT!
And then the people said: AMEN! IT IS RIGHT!

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