Vlad and Mom turned into a mermaid

1 year ago

Vlad and Mom are now mermaids! Their lower halves have transformed into a beautiful shimmering tail, with scales that sparkle in the sunlight. Their tails are a rich blue-green color, with lighter shades of aquamarine running throughout.

Their upper halves have also undergone some changes. Their skin has become slightly more translucent, with a faint pearlescent sheen that gives them an otherworldly quality. Their hair has become longer and wavier, with tiny shells and bits of seaweed woven into it.

Their eyes have also changed. Vlad's have become a bright, almost iridescent green, while Mom's have transformed into a deep, almost navy blue. Their pupils have taken on a vertical slit shape, allowing them to see more clearly in the dim underwater light.

Both Vlad and Mom have also grown gills, allowing them to breathe underwater without any difficulty. As they move through the water, their tails propel them with graceful, fluid movements, and they can swim with incredible speed and agility.

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