Ruger SP101 and Smith & Wesson 686 Magnum Power!

1 year ago

Shooting my Ruger SP101 4" .357 magnum and my new Smith & Wesson 686 6" .357 magnum. These are both awesome revolvers and each has a spot in the market. The SP101 is Ruger's "carry" magnum. It's light, great features, awesome reliability. At 5 rounds, it's the absolute lowest carry capacity. The 686 I bought is the 6-round version, has the 6 inch barrel, and is more for plinking fun.

Why would I buy a revolver in 2020? Well, for one, it's already been a weird year :). For two, believe it or not, it is fun to shoot them. I initially started out thinking of buying a new Colt Python for fun, but at over $2k, no thanks!!!

Music provided by TeknoAxe
Remaster: Simple Metal

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