Guitar song lesson learn Get The Funk Out by Extreme NUNO rocking chords rhythms licks

7 years ago
2 FREE video lesson and eBook - learn soloing devices, scales, tips, and tricks to dress up your scales and lead guitar playing. Plus tons of scale diagrams all over the neck! ck out our NLG Jam Track Vault - 73 killer tracks each has its own custom written lesson explaining the changes and what to play over what and why it works. All scales are diagrammed out - and its all on one tidy dashboard - its an awesome and unique practice tool. FREE video lesson & eBook on bar chord techniques, bar chord changing tips, plus tons of exercises. Our video instructional website - its a full on structured curriculum for all level players and all styles of music - FREE 3-day all access site pass on the home page - enjoy!

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Guitar song lesson learn Get The Funk Out by Extreme NUNO rocking chords rhythms licks

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