20230216-Just Say No to Ford, Trudeau and Digital ID

2 years ago

Health care is too important to leave to the government. Unfortunately, this is Canada, where the citizenry is brainwashed and stupid.

Now. on the health care front, it looks like Premier Fat B@st@rd Ford is at it again, bowing down to the trust fund tyrant, Blackface Hitler Trudeau.

Prime Minister Paints His Face recently got together with the world economic forum captured government of Holland to start developing a digital health care ID.

Now thinking people, like the not-stupid Premiers of Saskatchewan and Alberta, have told Dumb and Dumber, woke Maoist moron Trudeau to pound sand. In typical spineless, Ontario PC sellout fashion, Ford has taken a great big bite of that s#!t sandwich and said,

"Mmm, yummy. Please sir, may I have some more?"

Or words to that general effect.

However, we learned during the truckers' protest that being a spineless tub of goo, if we apply enough pressure, if we yell loud enough and long enough, Ford will cave.

So just say no to digital ID.

Say it loud, and say it often.

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