Waiting On The World To Change by John Mayer acoustic song lesson & electric lead solo with tabs

4 years ago

John Mayer Waiting On The World To Change song lesson - learn a strumming acoustic rhythm version of the song that you can be playing fast and fun. Also - we teach the complete guitar solo including the keyboard part on electric guitar. Get the best of both worlds in this video! We go over all the rhythm and strumming patterns in detail, and the lead solo, all written out on screen with chord lines, strum patterns, and tabs - so its easy to follow along. Enjoy and rock on!

https://www.david-lessons.com/egi/bar_chord_techniques.html - Free video lesson and eBook on essential barre chord playing and changing tips, techniques, fret hand techniques, and tons of barre chord exercises that will blast your barre chord playing and changing to the next level.

http://www.nextlevelguitar.com Our video instructional website - its a full on structured curriculum for all level players and all styles of music - FREE 3-day all access site pass on the home page - enjoy!

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-Digital album here - Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07VYTQCBB
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-Apple Music - https://music.apple.com/us/album/absolute/1475134471?app=apple%20music&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
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https://nextlevelguitar.com/acoustic_blues_licks/ - "Acoustic Blues Licks & Approaches" Course - Get a complete new palette of acoustic blues sounds and skyrocket your acoustic blues playing to the next level. Course consists of over 2 hours of detailed HD video lessons, 10 killer Jam Tracks so you can practice and apply what you are learning, Tablature eBook where all licks are tabbed out for each lesson lick by lick, and a Scale Reference eBook of scales, lessons, and soloing strategies. Click above link to watch a video preview and feel free to email me any questions.

Questions? - email us at epicguitarinstruction@yahoo.com

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Waiting On The World To Change by John Mayer acoustic song lesson & electric lead solo with tabs
#JohnMayer #WaitingWorldChange #SongLesson #GuitarSongs #CreateMusic #AcousticSongLesson #Electric&AcoustcGuitars #PlayGuitar #LearnGuitar #NLG #EGI #GuitarLesson

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