Live Coaching Call: How to time block for your business & family (with Jaime)

1 year ago

You’re in for a treat today, because this is actually a live coaching call!

Jaime is the founder of Eco Crates of America, and she’s also a work at home mom! On this call we’re going to map out a plan for her to segment work time from family time, get more structured and consistent with her time blocking, and let her be in the moment when her kids are at home.

And if you want a call just like this, but tailored for you and your problems, then fill out this quick application to get started working with me! I want you to be an amazing work at home mom and actually be able to get everything done. So let’s make sure you truly love your work-at-home-mom life!

Here's what Jaime’s dealing with:
• 3 kids in school during the day, but her husband is working from home
• Pets, dinner prep, cleaning, & all the family responsibilities
• Needs to get up and move around, but then she gets distracted by housework
• Has tried time blocking, but forgets that she planned something

Tune in to hear Jaime get coaching on how to maximize her time and make forward progress on her business to do list!

Episode transcript:

Routines for introverted moms:

Need to right-size your to-do list and stop stressing out about your day?
Watch your on-demand class:

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