Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate — Running the Gauntlet | Xbox Series X (Warrior Wednesdays #11)

1 year ago

A.K.A., the secret of my success. =3 The reason I was able to play through the latter half of Story Mode on "Chaos" difficulty is because my team's stats were completely maxed out… and _how_ I maxed them out was by playing through the first two phases of "Gauntlet Mode," a challenge area where a team of five Warriors fight together in a multitude of formations in order to combat armies, find treasure, and seek the "Dragon Portal" that will allow them to escape the "Unknown World" ruled by that bringer of Chaos, _Hundun!_

There's still two more phases to go; better hurry, though! — the longer it takes to find the exit portal, the stronger the enemies become…

0:00 Stream Start and Opening Cinematic
1:24 Gauntlet Mode — Phase 3 (False Start)
2:32 Gauntlet Mode — Phase 3 (True Start)
6:57 Red Level — Jiange
13:54 Red Level — Anegawa
24:14 Red Level — Tetorigawa / Yiling / Honnōji
53:05 Yellow Level — Komaki-Nagakute / Xu Province
58:33 Yellow Level — Xu Chang
1:15:13 Yellow Level — Nanjun
1:37:15 Yellow Level — Jiangdong
1:40:39 Yellow Level — Fan Castle
2:22:19 Yellow Level — Hasedō / Nanzhong / Honnōji
2:48:27 Stream End (game crashed XÞ)

#WarriorsOrochi #DynastyWarriors #SamuraiWarriors #SoulCalibur

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