Lucid Dreaming Technique | Dream Incubation

1 year ago

Lucid Dream Incubation

This lucid dreaming technique comes from Stephen Laberges book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” and can be found in more detail there.

The first step to Dream incubation is to create a single phrase or question that represents what you want to dream about.

Write down this phrase, possibly even draw a picture of it if you can. It doesn’t have to be a good picture.

Memorize both the phrase and the picture

Write down below your phrase a line that says you will recognize you are dreaming when you dream about your incubation target.

Once this is done you should immediately go to bed

Focus on your phrase and picture as you go to bed. Visualize yourself achieving whatever it is that you are aiming for with this incubation. See yourself becoming lucid as this point as well

Continue to focus on this until you fall asleep

If your mind drifts gently bring it back to your phrase and image

Be sure to remember to write down your dream when you awaken

Music Credit

Dance With Me by LiQWYD |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

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