Ch. 9 - Ankle Stem Cell Repair - The Ultimate Guide to Stem Cell Therapy

2 years ago
32.3K (833) 445-9089
Hi there! I'm Josh with Dream Body Clinic. Today, I'd like to talk about our stem cell ankle treatment as part of our ultimate guide to stem cell therapy series. We want to make sure that you have all the information you need about these treatments and can make an informed decision about your healthcare.

When it comes to ankle problems, there are many different issues that can arise. For example, we've had patients come in with nerve damage, such as my own grandmother, who has suffered from nerve pain in her foot for 40 years due to dropping a bookcase on it. By injecting 50 million stem cells into the middle of her foot, we were able to get rid of the weird sensation and pain that had been plaguing her for so long. Stem cell trophic factors are incredibly effective for regenerating nerves, and we've seen great success with this treatment.

We also see a lot of Achilles tendon tears and inflammation in our patients. With the help of an MRI, we can pinpoint the exact location of the injury and inject stem cells directly into the affected area. While it's not the most comfortable injection, it's a simple and effective procedure that helps with a wide range of ankle problems. In most cases, patients start feeling better within two to three months.

Another common issue we see is arthritis in the ankle, especially among athletes who put a lot of wear and tear on this joint. Fortunately, mesenchymal stem cells can regenerate cartilage and help get rid of scar tissue. We've even been able to treat fourth degree arthritis with these cells, although this usually requires multiple treatments over a period of several months. Nonetheless, the cells can stay in the area for up to a year, promoting long-term healing.

At the Dream Body Clinic, we take a whole-foot approach to treating ankle problems. We can help with ligament and tendon issues, as well as toe problems. Our stem cell ankle treatment uses cells derived from placenta and umbilical cord tissue, which we isolate and replicate to create the most effective treatment possible. We know that other countries, such as the US, Canada, and the UK, have restrictions on stem cell replication, which can limit their effectiveness.

Overall, we've had tremendous success using stem cell therapy to treat a wide range of ankle problems. If you're dealing with nerve damage, tendon tears, or arthritis in your ankle, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our stem cell ankle treatment and schedule a consultation.
ankle, ankle stem cells, ankle repair, ankle treatment, ankle stem cells, ankle stem cell treatment, stem cell treatment, stem cell therapy, heal, ankle pain relief, alternative medicine, regenerative medicine, dream body clinic

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