15 Merciless Animal Battles Ever Filmed

2 years ago

Certain animals just don’t get along, and when they meet, things can go sideways very quickly. Have you ever seen a hippo and a lion on a date? What about a rat and a crow? If you want to see some wicked confrontations, stay tuned as we count down the 15 most merciless animal battles ever filmed.

A second dog joins the fight, and it looks to be the dog’s midget brother. The lizard fends them both off and it looks like it will be okay, for now. Next, this large lizard is surrounded by four dogs that bark a lot, but that’s about it. It seems like neither of the dogs has the guts to make the first move, so they just taunt the lizard and annoy it to the tilt. This next dog doesn’t waste any time and immediately bites this lizard in its mid-section repeatedly, to the point of cutting it. The lizard tries to fend off the attacks to the best of its abilities, but it looks like the dog has the ‘upper paw” in this one. Finally, these three dogs chase this monitor lizard, but they don’t accomplish much except for a little barking and running.

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