How to Quit Drinking Alcohol

1 year ago

This is a strategic how-to guide on why and how to quit drinking for good, or in moderation at least. After years of drinking - I've found the ways to resist the power and urge to drink the poison that we know does more harm than good in excess.


The Kyle X Patrick video and podcast platforms offer ideas, motivation, and effective strategies on how to improve these 6 life categories:

Mindset / Psychology
Career / Lifestyle
Health / Fitness
Relationships / Love
Society / Social Behavior
Politics / Our Future


YouTube: @KyleXPatrick
Instagram: KylePatrickX
Facebook: KyleXPatrick
TikTok: KyleXPatrick
Twitter: KyleXPatrick


I pushed my life off a cliff into pleasure hell for 7 years and ended up with no money, no job, no degree, and no car. I climbed out of that black hole and spent the next 7 years transforming everything. After building a new mind, body, and multi-million dollar business with a 5-star reputation — I’m now here to share and sharpen my strategies on true success with the rest of the world.


I understand what it takes to transform your life — to bring yourself from the dark to light. Even if you’re just looking for an extra edge — I’ve discovered the strategies that work in everyone.

But I had to die to learn how to live.

I was first born into a sheltered bubble. My dad was a car mechanic and mom stayed home with us. Life was strict and driven by fear. With awful social skills and insecurities I ran from reality into the underworld the day I turned 18. I let go of all healthy habits. I had no car for 5 years. I slept on couches or in crude apartments with alcoholics, drug addicts, and other lazy people for 7 years. Jails, warrants, lies and betrayals. No destination, no goal, just pleasure island — rinse and repeat. No friends to trust, only acquaintances who equally felt numb, alone, broke, insecure, and lying to survive.

With no soul or courage, it felt like it was us against the world.
And we were all killing ourselves slowly to feel alive.

After riding out the road of death for too long — I decided to take a different path.

I started by transforming my body and energy. People began to see me differently, and I was respected for the first time in my life.

I used this as fuel for an obsession to find the strategies and habits that create the most successful business people in the world.

With one foot still in hell, and one foot pushing out — I started a door to door contracting business out of a 140k mile Toyota Camry for an office with a printer and laptop in the backseat.

7 years later — I have built a self-sustaining multi-million dollar business with a 5-star reputation for quality and customer experience.

Now — after living so many walks of life, obsessively learning everything I can about human behavior, managing over $18,000,000 in face-to-face sales, interviewing over 1,000 people, creating countless systems for business, marketing, & life management, and helping pull others out of the dark with me — I have gained a unique understanding of people and how the world works.

I’m here today to share what I’ve learned on how to bring yourself out of wherever you are now — to a life of real freedom and fulfillment.

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