Las Venturas Courier in 5:56.

1 year ago

- Customs Fast Track mission can give superhandling to a Faggio
- Explosive situation can mark vehicles like the Packer (a total of 9 Packers were used)
- Triple Bloodbowl or suicide inside mod garage to remove glitch

A total of 9 marked vehicles is already a high amount but still stable. The more you mark the more likely it is to get random crashes. Instead of 9 vehicles, it is possible to only mark 8 and leave a normal unmarked Packer which will last for 3 minutes.

If avoiding triple Bloodbowl (if you are worried about it messing it the stability of many marked vehicles) to get rid of traffic, using the mod garage suicide method, there are a few details. The hassle is that this glitch to get rid of traffic is undone every time a mission is failed, so each attempt of Courier would require to redo this glitch and a superhandling Faggio would need to be marked with the Esplosive Situation dupe so it will not despawn with the death inside the mod garage because otherwise doing the superhandling conversion by failing Customs Fast Track would remove the no traffic glitch.

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