Bad Batch Episode 9 Breakdown - I HATE CID

1 year ago

As they land on a deserted looking planet, they were sent here on a mission from Sid to extract some ipsium from her mine. While they are doing so, their ship gets stolen by what seems to be a human judging by the fair skin and neck visible under the helmet. Many in chat thought it could be Hondo, but I think it’s a human, and i think it was a hired job by Cid. I think Cid set them up but more on that another time.
As they figure out what their next move will be, they realize they’re stranded on the planet, and figure their only move is to work their way to the nearest town, 40 clicks south of their current location. So, they start moving. The team looks much more lop sided without Echo, I have to say, it just doesn’t feel balanced. As they walk through a valley of rock cliffs, we get a scene from the lion king where a stampede comes running through and they reach up a rock limb above. As the stampede clears, the dark storm approaches faster and faster as the crew realize what was scaring the animals. They run fast into a cave opening as the ipsium slips and explodes onto the side of the mountain, trapping them in. Ipsium in its raw state is super explosive. Stuck inside, Omega argue about the ship being found again, where the crew tell her it’s just a ship and they can replace it. Omega has a melt down and is sad about how they lost echo and now their home, the marauder. Tech asks here what is her issue, and she gets sad and walks away into a part of the cave where she finds some super concentrated form of ipsium which Sid wanted. As she begins to harvest it, she notices the entire part of the wall is entwined with it, as it’s highly explosive, she is careful to extract it. Tech is told by Hunter and Wrecker to go and make ammends with her, so he does and this is a nice developmental scene for him as he doesn’t treat the situation so technically and without emotion, but rather becomes more human. They work together to extract as much Ipsium as possible, filling all their viles, when Omega reaches too far off a ledge and falls deep into the abyss, as Tech, without hesitation jumps after her. They fall into a large body of water that is running down stream. Tech saves her from the current and they both make it to shore. As Hunter and Wrecker try to meet them, it gives us good time for Tech and Omega to talk. Omega is upset that everything is changing ,and Tech informs her that change is a part of life. He says he have to adapt and move on, that is what soldiers do. She says that we’re more than that, we’re family. He says yes, yes we are. He has a moment and stares off. I think he’s finally becoming more human, and is realizing that he can’t answer everything so technically and without human emotion. He’s very much like a computer. He says he processes moments and thoughts differently, but it doesn’t mean i feel things any less than you. This was a nice way of putting it that he’s just different than the average person with so many emotions. He’s much more introverted and deals with things more rationally and without emotion. He’s much more emotionally detatched, but that’s not without having the same feelings as Omega, he’s just more mature and hardeded by life in his way of dealing with it. I think it was a great life lesson here where Omega is sulking about what can’t be changed, and he tells her that it’s ok to be sad, but we must move on and carry on with life, as that’s the only option.

They use the ipsium to blast their way out of the mountain and make their way to the deserted town’s airway station. Tech makes the shot and he does this over Wrecker’s questioning of why he can’t do it, where Tech responds by saying the shot must be precise otherwise they’ll be caved in again. So we also know that Wrecker is either a bad shot, or Tech is the closest thing to crosshair. Hunter didn’t take the shot, and neither did Omega. So I think when it comes to calculating and precision shots, Tech could be leading the race there.
They call Sid and ask for her to pick them up. She says no, not her problem. She huffs and puffs and says ok give me a few days to figure it out, and they say they don’t have enough food to last them, as she hangs up on them. Cid is garbage, just as her nemesis in the pod racing episode told them, she’ll betray them eventually. And I think she did twice in this episode. I think she sent a thief there to grab the marauder and steal it from them, and then again by denying them a ride when they’re stranded with a massive storm coming.

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