Healing Prayer of the first Apostles ❤️ A Prayer of the Heart... A universal Medicine for every Evil

1 year ago

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Heavenly Gifts Volume 2

Prayer of the Heart - A universal medicine for every evil - December 30, 1841

1. Jesus may help you! Jesus may heal you! Jesus may preserve you! - Jesus, You eternal helper of all the afflicted, Jesus, You are the only physician for all diceases, Jesus, You are the eternal King of all power and might, Jesus, You are the eternal love and mercy, help this or that sick person, who suffers! - Your holy Will be done! Amen. - (Our father...)

2. This prayer of the heart has the capacity to be at work even over a distance, by stretching out the hands towards that place with a blessing, where the sick person is located. Remark from Ans. H.-W.: Jacob Lorber said, that the apostles spoke this prayer to heal the sick.

Request of a family father. - January 5th 1842, evening

1. Oh holiest Lord and Father! You want me to guide, lead and guard a wife and nine children, for which I only have 2 eyes and I realize my impotence and blindness! - How can You, the only All-knowing, Omnipresent and Almighty, want something, which seems impossible to the creature, of which you want this?! I still don't even know myself - how am I supposed to know so many of my own? I can't even manage myself - how shall I lead those to their destination, who belong to me?

2. I can't see any other option in this situation than to ask You, most dear and loving Lord and Father, please, take these things upon your merciful shoulders, which I'm not able to carry even a little, as if a mosquito should drag away a millstone!

3. O Lord, forgive me for my bold speech according to Your love and mercy, and refresh my soul with a comforting light! Amen.

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