Alex on Mythological Entities RM

1 year ago

The word mythology comes from two words: mythos (myth) and logos (logic). This means that the word mythology means actually that myths are logical or in some sense real! I used a Ouija board back in 2015 to make contact with many mythological beings that apparently exist in the other world. Using a Ouija board you can make contact with Fairies, Gnomes, Elves, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Goblins, Drakos, Greys, Nordic Aliens, Imperial Germans and lots more. This video is just an introduction to what entities are out there! I hope you have an open mind to this subject.

My website:

This video is dedicated to Isais, Ishtara and Marduk!

For the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!

Ave Victor!

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