Future Health - UK Column News - 15th February 2023

1 year ago

- 2017, PM unveils plans for a modern Industrial Strategy fit for Global Britain
- End of vaccine boost for AstraZeneca as it looks elsewhere for growth
- Debi Evans' question to Jeremy Hunt still unanswered
- Hunt disappointed UK ‘lost out this time’ on £320m new AstraZeneca factory
- Dublin Gains From High UK Tax Rates, AstraZeneca Boss Says
- Terra Carta (Sustainable Markets Initiative) Founding partners
- NHS: How we invite people to join the Our Future Health research programme
- Our Future Health—The UK’s largest ever health research programme 
- The Board of Trustees—Our Future Health
- Our Future Health is funded by an ambitious collaboration between the public, charity and private sectors
- WHO refuses to write statement for UK Covid inquiry
- HEE offers mental health training to a further 140 pharmacists
- Pharmacists are not 'cheap' substitutes for GPs
- Women face HRT postcode lottery with those in most deprived areas least likely to receive support

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-15th-february-2023

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