7 Years until Expropriation: EU draft Law Threatens Property Owners!

1 year ago

The EU is currently working on a draft law that would practically expropriate older residential buildings. If they do not meet the new European energy efficiency standards then these buildings will lose the permit to be occupied in 2030. That is in less than 7 years.

If you own a property in Europe, you better start looking into this. Energetic renovations can costs hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on its size and age. In many cases that is just not feasible.

Without compliance, you will not be allowed to live in your property or to rent it out. The bank where you got the mortgage will certainly demand it back and you will be broke and end up in foreclosure. Now of course your property has no value because the property is no longer rentable or financeable which means it is a total loss for you.

Re-uploaded from: https://www.youtube.com/@a.i.Financial

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