Public comment from State of Michigan Board of Education meeting 2-14-23

1 year ago

The majority of the State Board of Education voted to pass a resolution in regards to not allowing non-school generated opt out forms from Sex Ed. There resolution was actually "rogue". It did not include the law language of human sexuality; it did not address the fact that this education is taking place out of sex ed nor did it regard the law which actually states a parent OR pupil can simply can provide a "written statement" to opt out. Thus... allowing for rogue sex ed to continue with their support.

The majority of this board is unhinged and is operating as though they are all three branches of government in this. Time will tell if this ends up in a court of law.

While it was passed, THANK YOU to the board members that voted NO on this resolution... We see you. We hear you. WE APPRECIATE YOU!

See the full meeting video here:

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